If you have any further questions, please contact your Account Manager or email enquiries@barbour-ehs.com and we’ll be happy to help.

What is Barbour EHS?

Putting simply, Barbour EHS is a website that hosts information and links to downloadable documents.

You can access it via any browser anytime, anywhere, from any device that is connected to the internet.

It is not software, and this means you don’t need to download or install anything to use our services.

What is the meaning of SaaS?

SaaS, or Software as a Service, refers to a cloud computing model where software applications are provided over the internet as a service. Instead of users installing and maintaining software on their local devices or servers, they access the software and its features through a web browser. SaaS platforms are hosted and maintained by third-party providers, and users typically pay a subscription fee to access and use the software.

Key characteristics of a SaaS platform include:

•  Accessibility: Users can access the software and its features from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. This provides flexibility and allows for remote access. No applications or software are required on a Users machine.

•  Subscription-Based Model: SaaS platforms are typically offered on a subscription basis, where users pay a recurring fee (monthly or annually) for access to the software. This subscription model often includes updates, maintenance, and support.

•  Automatic Updates: The responsibility for software maintenance, including updates and patches, rests with the SaaS provider. Users do not need to manually update the software; improvements and updates are delivered seamlessly by the provider.

•  Scalability: SaaS platforms are designed to be scalable, allowing users to easily adjust their subscription levels based on their needs. This makes it suitable for businesses of various sizes.

•  Multi-Tenancy: SaaS applications typically follow a multi-tenant architecture, where multiple users or businesses share a common infrastructure and code base. This allows the provider to efficiently manage resources and deliver cost-effective solutions.

•  Collaboration and Integration: Many SaaS platforms are designed to facilitate collaboration among users. They often integrate with other cloud services and applications, allowing for seamless data sharing and workflow integration.

Examples of SaaS platforms cover a wide range of applications, including customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), project management, email and collaboration tools, and more. Popular SaaS providers include Salesforce (CRM), Microsoft 365 (collaboration and productivity suite), and Shopify (e-commerce).

In summary, a SaaS platform delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis, providing users with accessibility, automatic updates, scalability, and collaborative features without the need for local installations and maintenance.

What ISO certifications does Barbour EHS hold?

ISO 14001

ISO 45001

The Barbour EHS service is currently hosted on a third-party platform. The third party holds ISO 27001 accreditation.

Hosting and backups

Barbour is hosted on AWS Cloud infrastructure.

Barbour Comprehensive is hosted in Ireland, Barbour Consolidated is hosted in the UK.

Barbour EHS does not use any on-premise hosting.

Barbour EHS development and production environments are segregated.

We restore Barbour EHS data on an ad-hoc basis when required.

Backups are taken nightly and stored in a separate environment.

Business Continuity

Is there a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)?


Is it tested?

Yes, annually

Does Barbour EHS give copies externally?



Is data held encrypted?


Where is data held?

Comprehensive data is held on AWS in Ireland. Barbour Consolidated data is held on AWS in the UK.

Is data segregated by customer?

Logically in the database

What personal data is collected?

Name, address, job information, contact details

How long is data held by Barbour?
Please refer to our Barbour EHS Terms & Conditions.

At contract end, do customers have the right to obtain their data?


How do we achieve right to removal under GDPR?

Please raise a request with our support team for data removal.

How often is data security tested?


How often is vulnerability tested?



Is data held encrypted?


Where is data held?

Comprehensive data is held on AWS in Ireland. Barbour Consolidated data is held on AWS in the UK.

Is data segregated by customer?

Logically in the database

What personal data is collected?

Name, address, job information, contact details

How long is data held by Barbour?
Please refer to our Barbour EHS Terms & Conditions.

At contract end, do customers have the right to obtain their data?


How do we achieve right to removal under GDPR?

Please raise a request with our support team for data removal.

Do you have a named individual responsible for security/data?

Yes, we have an appointed group Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Are all employees subject to background checks?

All employees undergo Right to Work checks, and sensitive employees will undergo more detailed checks.

What are the controls for access to customer/company data?

Users are granted access on a least privileged basis

What are the controls for access to customer-specific data?

Users are granted access on a least privileged basis

Is a Penetration Test completed?


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